Posted by Flic on 02/02/07 16:41
Here is the whole code so you can get a better overview and perhaps
spot something I haven't. Would have linked to a page but of course
that wouldn't have worked as its php! I've already given the code
thats calling the cart and ther est of the code on that page is normal
html. So here is the whole cart.
$cart =& $_SESSION['cart']; // point $cart to session cart.
if(!is_object($cart)) $cart = new siloCart(); // if $cart
( $_SESSION['cart'] ) isn't an object, make a new cart
class siloCart {
var $total = 0;
var $itemcount = 0;
var $items = array();
var $itemprices = array();
var $itemqtys = array();
var $iteminfo = array();
function cart() {} // constructor function
function get_contents()
{ // gets cart contents
$items = array();
foreach($this->items as $tmp_item)
$item = FALSE;
$item['id'] = $tmp_item;
$item['name'] = $this->itemname[$tmp_item];
$item['price'] = $this->itemprices[$tmp_item];
$item['sub'] = $this->itemsub[$tmp_item];
$item['desc'] = $this->itemdesc[$tmp_item];
$item['subtotal'] = $item['qty'] * $item['price'];
$items[] = $item;
return $items;
} // end of get_contents
function add_item($itemid,$qty=1,$price = FALSE, $info = FALSE)
{ // adds an item to cart
if($this->items[$itemid] > 0)
{ // the item is already in the cart..
// so we'll just increase the quantity
$this->itemqtys[$itemid] = $qty + $this->itemqtys[$itemid];
} else {
$this->itemqtys[$itemid] = $qty;
$this->itemprices[$itemid] = $price;
$this->iteminfo[$itemid] = $info;
} // end of add_item
function edit_item($itemid,$qty)
{ // changes an items quantity
if($qty < 1) {
} else {
$this->itemqtys[$itemid] = $qty;
} // end of edit_item
function del_item($itemid)
{ // removes an item from cart
$ti = array();
$this->itemqtys[$itemid] = 0;
foreach($this->items as $item)
if($item != $itemid)
$ti[] = $item;
$this->items = $ti;
} //end of del_item
function empty_cart()
{ // empties / resets the cart
$this->total = 0;
$this->itemcount = 0;
$this->items = array();
$this->itemprices = array();
$this->itemqtys = array();
$this->itemdescs = array();
} // end of empty cart
function _update_total()
{ // internal function to update the total in the cart
$this->itemcount = 0;
$this->total = 0;
if(sizeof($this->items > 0))
foreach($this->items as $item) {
$this->total = $this->total + ($this-
>itemprices[$item] * $this->itemqtys[$item]);
} // end of update_total
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="code/silosuk.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="code/silosuk_silos.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="code/silosuk_form.css">
<div id="logo"></div><div id="header"><div id="linkcontainer">
<a href="cart.php" class="links">Cart</a>
<a href="contact.html" class="links">Contact</a>
<a href="accessories.php" class="links" style="width:
<a href="silos.html" class="links">Silos</a>
<a href="index.html" class="links">About</a>
</div></div><div id="content"><div id="cart">
if($_POST['add']) {
$product = $products[$_POST['id']];
if($_POST['remove']) {
$rid = intval($_POST['id']);
echo "<table><tr><td>ID</td>";
echo "<td>Name</td>";
echo "<td>Price</td>";
echo "<td>Quan</td>";
echo "<td>Subtotal</td></tr>";
if($cart->itemcount > 0) {
foreach($cart->get_contents() as $item) {
echo "<tr><td>".$item['id']."</td>";
echo "<td>".$item['info']."</td>";
echo "<td>".number_format($item['price'],2)."</td>";
echo "<td>".$item['qty']."</td>";
echo "<td>".number_format($item['subtotal'],2)."</
echo "<td><form method=post><input type='hidden'
name='id' value='".$item['id']."'/><input type='submit' name='remove'
echo "<tr><td colspan=4>Sub total:</td><td>£".number_format($cart-
echo "<tr><td colspan=4>VAT:</td><td>£".number_format($cart->total,
echo "<tr><td colspan=4>Total:</td><td>£".number_format($cart->total,
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "<tr><td colspan=5>- No items found in cart -</
echo "</table>";
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