Posted by Rik on 02/07/07 18:21
Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> Indeed, allthough this is offcourse bad coding. Every variable should
>> be initialised, and every $_SESSION / $_POST / $_GET / $_COOKIE should
>> be accessed like such. So, when coding correctly, having
>> register_globals on is not a problem. However, when making a tiny
>> mistake or when relying in register_globals, that's where it goes
>> wrong. In short, unless you're infallable having register_globals off
>> is just better.
> I didn't say it was *good* coding. But he did ask what the potential
> problem was. :-)
> And I've seen similar code way too many times, especially on sites built
> for earlier versions of PHP.
I agree with you, it's just an illustration.
The programmer who thinks he's infallable should think again :P
Rik Wasmus
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