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Re: 15 seconds survey (literally) 1 radio button click. thx for your time

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/13/07 15:17

Steve wrote:
> "Geoff Berrow" <> wrote in message
> | Message-ID: <4a042$45d1202b$40cba7ac$30108@NAXS.COM> from Jonathan N.
> | Little contained the following:
> |
> | >> | That probably still leaves the people frequenting these newsgroups
> out,
> | >> | I think.
> | >>
> | >> well hell, there goes my degree in graphic design!!! fuck, i'd not have
> | >> bothered with it if i knew i'd end up a software developer!
> | >>
> | >>
> | >Guess that blows my fine arts degree too!
> |
> | And my degree in multidisciplinary design?
> roflmfao. i guess that's a more direct statement than my smily face
> response. mine is a bit more specific than fine arts. as far as i know
> anyway, one attends a fine arts school...however, i've never known of a
> major of, nor conference of, 'fine arts'.

What, am I understanding you correctly that there is no degree in Fine
Arts? I hope there is for the money I spent! ;-) It is a BFA, of course
we always a fun with substitution of the words in the initialism! One
can get a BFA in painting, drawing, printmaking... or in the
multidisciplinary area "General Fine Arts"...

Take care,




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