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Re: 15 seconds survey (literally) 1 radio button click. thx for your time

Posted by Steve on 02/13/07 19:54

"Bergamot" <> wrote in message
| Steve wrote:
| >
| > the rest of his insults
| Do you have such a fragile ego that you were actually insulted by
| anything I said? If so, I suggest developing a little thicker skin.

psychology wasn't a field of your collegeate interest either, i see.
contrary to how you portray it, the more in touch one is with one's ego, the
more perceptible insults become. the ego is the assimilation of what is
deemed normanative (behaviour, believe systems, cultures, etc.). were my ego
fragile, you should expect to see over-reaction or irrational
just about every stimuli. as it is, i recognize what you've said as
insulting...and as a response, have merely pointed out to you what it is
that i see as the insult and caution you that, though it is really not a big
deal to me, your word choices are at the deep end of poor.

now had you more a sense of ego, you'd understand that you could be
perceived as being insulting. it is far worse to be absent mindedly
insulting than to have the intent coupled with delivery. had you more sense
of propriety, you'd actually care about being insulting: whether
deliberately or mistakenly.

as for your you really think i'd take anything you say
seriously? don't worry about my skin's thickness. pay more attention to the
silly things you say. i automatically start filtering bullshit when someone
starts shoveling it (ego at work, btw). so, i've not been but temporally and
casually engaged thus far anyway.



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