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Re: 15 seconds survey (literally) 1 radio button click. thx for your time

Posted by John on 02/13/07 23:23

"ctiggerf" <> wrote in message
> The bottom two are the best in my opinion. A suggestion though: on
> the 3rd pic make the door of the house extend to the bottom of the
> house, it looks weird otherwise. Also match the angle of the top of
> the door with the angle of the bottom of the house.

I liked the lower two best, myself, but I didn't vote for any of them
because I don't like any of them enough to encourage them to use it. None of
the structures depicted are particularly inviting; I wouldn't want to (rent
or) stay in any of them. ;-)

The roof is off-center on the two best ones, and the first one is having
trouble in these strong winds...




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