Posted by Ed Mullen on 02/17/07 01:14
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> robert maas, see http://tinyurl.com/uh3t wrote:
> <snip complete fertilizer>
> What you are trying to accomplish is so very simple but you manage to
> make anyone's attempts to help you a Sisyphean task! I have sympathies
> for your instructor.
> You don't happen to be Italian and spent time in Sweden by any chance?
<ROFLMAO> Hey, and my mother's maiden name was DiMarcAntonio. Which,
as I think about it, is apropos of nothing. But, then, much of this
thread is the same. Although, I must say that one of my favorite
memories of my childhood was Luigi's Pizza Parlor in suburban
Philadelphia. Long live Luigi!
Ed Mullen
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be
no more hurt, only more love. - Mother Teresa
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