Posted by David Portas on 02/19/07 21:05
On 19 Feb, 20:46, bbl...@op.pl wrote:
> I'd like to change query:
> SELECT DM.*, 'condition1', NULL FROM DM
> WHERE (condition1)
> SELECT DM.*, NULL, 'condition2' FROM DM
> WHERE (condition2)
> to one SELECT like this
> SELECT DM.*, WasCondition1, WasCondition2 FROM DM
> WHERE (condition1) or (condition2)
> but how to fill in the WasConditionX column?
> The UNION version was bad because in case a row fulfilled 2
> conditions, it was repeated instead of joining them, such like this:
> SELECT DM.*, 'condition1', 'condition2' FROM DM
> WHERE condition1 AND condition2
> SELECT DM.*, 'condition1', NULL FROM DM
> WHERE condition1 AND NOT condition2
> SELECT DM.*, NULL, 'condition2' FROM DM
> WHERE NOT condition1 AND condition2
> or (say DM has columns A, B, C):
> SELECT A, B, C, SUM(cond1), SUM(cond2) FROM
> (
> SELECT DM.*, 1 AS cond1, 0 AS cond2 FROM DM
> WHERE condition1
> SELECT DM.*, 0 AS cond1, 1 AS cond2 FROM DM
> WHERE condition2
> ) AS DM
Use a CASE expression. To adapt your second example:
SELECT col1, col2, col3,
CASE WHEN (condition1) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS WasCondition1,
CASE WHEN (condition2) THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END AS WasCondition2
WHERE (condition1) OR (condition2) ;
Always avoid using SELECT *.
David Portas, SQL Server MVP
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Including CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements usually helps.
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