Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 02/20/07 17:40
Scripsit Toby A Inkster:
>> Additionally, as far as I know, nothing added in XHTML 1.1 (i.e. Ruby
>> annotation) is supported by legacy user agents. So there seems little
>> point in allowing it to be served as text/html.
> As it happens, Ruby annotation is *only* supported by Internet
> Explorer
> 5.0+ for both Windows and Macintosh -- precisely the sort of browsers
> that benefit from allowing XHTML 1.1 to be served as text/html.
IE has _limited_ Ruby support - to a useful extent, and Ruby can be used
rather safely on the web, since lack of support is not serious (Ruby is
designed to degrade gracefully on non-supporting browsers, provided of
course that authors use Ruby properly); faulty support would be serious.
But this has really nothing to do with XHTML 1.1 or XHTML in general. You
can simply include Ruby markup in a normal HTML markup and have it processed
by IE. Technically, of course, your document won't conform to the HTML 4.01
specification, but that's a formality only. The point is that _support_ to
Ruby does not depend on XHTML.
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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