Posted by Koster, H on 02/20/07 09:53
Op Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:21:07 +0200, schreef Kimmo Laine:
> \r = carriage return = sets the cursor at the beginning of the row
> \n = line feed = begins a new line
> (By your powers combined, I am Captain Carriage Return And New Line!)
> \r\n in a windows system is the character combination that gives you a new
> line to write to. This is different in *nix based system, where only \n is
> needed, the \r is implied. And just to make it fun, this is also different
> in a Mac system, where only \r is needed and \n is implied.
Thanks, its clear now, but....
> So in total we have three different and fun ways for presenting a new line:
> \r\n in Windows
> \n in *nix
> \r in Mac
..... while windows clearly tried to combine best of both worlds, why
still does it terribly suck so much?
Henk Koster jr.
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