Posted by archanapatelwhite on 02/21/07 00:27
I need to produce an excel output from SQL that shows
email - company name - producttype1, producttype2 (where the - denotes
a change in column)
basically i have a table the first line is the fields and the second
and third are the entries
email - companyname - producttype
xx@xx.com - xx - Product1
xx@xx.com - xx - Product2
>From my query I want to show in excel
xx@xx.com - xx - Product1, Product2
ie I only want 1 row for the email, but want to show the 2 products
they have listed for them.
This is a simplistic version of what I want as there are actually
other fields in the table which I want to display in exactly the same
way, only 1 line per contact.
Can anyone help?
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