Posted by Erwin Moller on 02/21/07 15:35
Steve JORDI wrote:
> This does not work though if I display page.php into another
> page <DIV> section using Ajax. That's where I have no clue on
> how to get the page refresh when clicking the check box.
> When "page.php" is displayed into the <DIV> of my main page, the
> javascript is never called. :-(
> I'm missing something
Hi Steve,
Did you try via AJAX to get a piece of javascript like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("did it!");
You'll see it won't work.
Javascript is NOT executed when returned and pasted in some div.
You need additional code to do that.
You better resend your problem to comp.lang.javascript because this is no
PHP issue.
If you do, ask them straight how to get your Javascript executed that is
returned via AJAX, because as far as I can see, your situation with the
checkbox logic is not relevant.
Good luck!
Erwin Moller
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