Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 02/25/07 13:43
Curtis wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Peter Parker wrote:
>>> preg_match("/<some_tag >([^']*?)<\/some_tag>/", $data, $matches)
>>> preg_match_all("/<p>(.*?)<\/p>/", $matches[1], $paragraphs);
>>> foreach ($paragraphs[0] as $paragraph) {
>>> $content=$content.$paragraph;
>>> }
>>> The above code only works if <p> is the first tag under <some_tag>.
>>> i.e, works with
>>> <some_tag >
>>> <p>blah</p>
>>> </some_tag>
>>> but not with
>>> <some_tag >
>>> <some_other_tag>blah</some_other_tag>
>>> <p>blah</p>
>>> </some_tag>
>>> How could I make the code works regardless of the position of <p>
>>> under <some_tag>? Thank you.
>> Try alt.html. This isn't a PHP problem.
> How is it not a PHP problem? The OP is asking about using regex in PHP.
> Anyway, @OP: You might be able to get what you're after with one regex.
> Check out the print_r output to figure out what you need, and if it works:
> $data = '<div>Foo bar <p><em>baz</em></p> Ishmael</div>';
> // use a different delimiter when / occurs, to avoid
> // unnecessary escaping
> $re = '%<([\w.:-]+)[^<>]*>(.*?<p[^<>]*>(.*?)</p>.*?)</\1>%i';
> preg_match_all($re, $data, $matches);
> print_r($matches);
> --
> Curtis, http://dyersweb.com
Yep, you're right - I misread the question. Sorry.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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