Posted by Ron on 02/25/07 16:53
On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:17:18 +0100, "J.O. Aho" <user@example.net>
>Ron wrote:
>> I figured it out:
>> o "<td class = \"aptbody\" width = 15%>";
>> echo "<a href= ".stripslashes($row["location_url2"]).">Click
>> here</a>";
>> echo "</td>";
>> forgot a couple of those pesky dots. :)
>> Is there a better way of doing this?
>"Click here" is quite non informing and proper html wants options to be
>quoted (even if single quotes are accepted by standard, there are
>browsers that has problem with it and it's better to double quote)
>echo "<a
>I do think adding the new line at the end of each line html that is
>echoed is a really good thing to do, as you this way will easier see
>things when you look at the html-source in the browser.
>I'm not sure if you need stripslashes(), as those character that may
>need that aren't allowed in an url, then you could use
>echo <<<EOL
> <td class="aptbody">
> <a href="{$row['location_url2']}">{$row['location_url1']}</a>
> </td>
>There ain't any point in using the width attribute in the td-tag, as you
>are already using CSS and you can set the width in the CSS.
Good morning,
Thanks for the response.
I agree, the "click here" was poor. It was late. Actually this will
turn into a variable based on the URL As I can't just name the column
and be done. Like if I linked to mapquest and Yahoo but then for a
particular record used a map from National Geographic. Whatever. and
with permission of course.
Your concatenation above might work but my output is a 5 column table
so the td statements should be separate, IMO.
I tried to add the newline to the end but could never make it work.
<shrug> Good idea and will work on it more.
The use of a table in this case I think is appropriate as it is
tabular and just a habit to put percents. Better than pixels. :) But
for kicks would you define the css element like td.col1, td.col2,
td.col3, abd so on??? I ws looking as CSS.org and was getting lost.
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