Posted by windandwaves on 02/26/07 08:23
On Feb 26, 8:06 pm, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> Scripsit windandwaves:
> > If you have a large image does it make sense to slice it to make it
> > load faster?
> No, just the opposite. It takes more time to transfer the data (due to
> various overhead factors like HTTP transaction) and more time to assemble
> the image. Perhaps worst of all, users may see the image being built from
> slices in some order, possibly in some strange order.
> > Please dont ask me why to have a large image in the first place - that
> > is a given...
> No, we really want to help you with that problem. We ask everything you
> should have asked but didn't dare to. But you must help us to help you by
> posting the URL of your current draft page and explain what you're doing.
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Hey Guys
Thank you all for your replies... Much appreciated. I will just
leave it as one image. I dont have a URL yet, but sliced images are
definitely dead by the sounds of it.
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