Posted by C10B on 02/26/07 15:04
> If you want more help, I suggest you give us a complete DDL of your
> database, some real example data and perhaps we can do better.
The requirement is simply this...
I have a lot of pages and I want to record when each is visited.
I then need to be able to answer questions like this...
"Which was the most popular page in January 07?"
"Which are the top 10 most viewed pages between 2 and 3 in the
with unlimited segmenting of the data really.
So I thought I would record an entry in a table everytime a page is
viewed, along with the date and time.
Using some simple queries using "count(*)", a where clause and a group
by clause I was answering all the questions.
Trouble is the speed. Several million records (and growing rapidly)
and count(*) gets slow.
Just while I was writing this I had an idea - I could move a finished
month's data to another table, so each month has a table of data. It
might still be a million records though, but at least it wont get
worse and worse over time. This would make some results harder to get
like "most viewed page of all time" but my monthy, hourly, weekly
figures would be quicker.
Any other tips?
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