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Want regular expression to stop at first occurrence of word

Posted by e_matthes on 02/26/07 06:13

Hello all,

Say I have the following string:

$string = "list of whales: white beluga whale humpback whale atlantic
humpback whale";

I want to pull out the first kind of whale (white beluga). I want
this to work regardless of whether the first whale is a white beluga,
or a humpback, etc. I tried:

$regExp = "/(whales:)(.*)(whale)/";
$outputArray = array();
if ( preg_match($regExp, $string, $outputArray) ) {
print "$outputArray[2]<br>";

But, the output is "white beluga whale humpback whale atlantic
humpback", as I expected. I know how to stop after finding a single
character, but I can't figure out how to stop after finding a single
instance of a word. Any help? Thanks.



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