Posted by Ike on 03/03/07 18:43
I have what is perhaps a stupid problem. I have a form where users enter
values (call this page1.php), and these then need to be POSTed to a page
(page2.php) (code at bottom of this posting), that calls up a page with two
frames (page3a.php and page3b.php) BUT, I need the values that the user
entered in page1.php to be visible to page3a.php and page3b.php.
When I submit from page1.php (running apache btw) I get "Method Not
Allowed -- The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /page2.php."
Can anyone please tell me how to get this values posted from page1.php. to
the targets where I need those values in page3a.php and page3b.php? Thanks,
This is page2.php:
<TITLE>VIOS Demonstration</TITLE>
<frameset rows="360,*">
<frame src="page3a.php" name="top" scrolling="no"
noresize FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0" marginwidth="1"
<frame src="page3b.php" name="bottom" marginwidth="1"
scrolling="no" noresize FRAMEBORDER="0" BORDER="0" FRAMESPACING="0"
<p>This web page uses frames, but your
browser doesn't support them.</p>
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