Posted by shimmyshack on 03/04/07 22:20
On 4 Mar, 17:30, "rsvore" <rsv...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I have a php form that runs through seven steps for the user to complete the
> form. During each step validation runs before the user can see the next step
> in the form, once completed there is a submit that send the info to a DB and
> displays a "thank you" as a final step. Once the Thank you is displayed I
> want to have a Yes and No choice for the user, if they select No I want the
> session to destroy so other users can not see the info the previous user put
> in the form by selecting the back button in IE. I don't want the destroy to
> happen until the "No" button is selected. Any help as to how to approach
> this problem?
> Thanks,
> Rob
It is a funny question really, since you obviously know how to code a
multipage form, I am wondering why you ask?!
If the form is already submitted at that point there doesnt seem to be
much point keeping the data around anyway. Just call session_destory()
however if you want the button to destory it like you suggest, why not
think of the Thank you as the last-but-one page of the form, although
the details have been added to the database, you can then add some
logic to destoy the session if a further input of type="button" is
Or have the form post to an entirely new page, perhaps one which
destroys the session and then redirects them to something of interest.
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