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php 5 extension concurrency

Posted by thomas on 03/06/07 10:35


I'm writting an extension in c for php. Looking at the life cycle of the
extensions it looks like each extension is started up within its own thread -
is this correct?

When each request comes in for the extension is seperate thread then handling
the request? My problem is that I would like to obtain a unique id in a c
function in the extension, which would be used in conjunction with a message
queue for IPC, but I'm not sure how the concurrency works in the php framework.

The basic extension should send a message to message queue when a request comes
in and the message should contain a unique id to identify the request in order
for the message server to send a response to the correct request.

is there any reason for why this shouldn't be possible?

Any help or links would be greatly appriciated.




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