Posted by Rik on 03/09/07 15:06
Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>> Jerry Stuckle <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> Damn, sig-seperator not working for you? The fix for Thunderbird =
>>>> seems to be in the nightly build, I trust this will be fixed in an =
>>>> official release soon :-)
>>> Nope - because two hyphens starting a line are not a separator.
>>> The correct sig separator is hyphen-hyphen-space-newline alone on a =
>>> single line. That works fine here.
>> It's there, it's just because this combination:
>> - Quoted Printable
>> - format=3Dflowed
>> - delsp=3Dyes
>> let's Thunderbird (and SeaMonkey) eagerly strip away a space that =
>> should not be stripped. Had a whole discussion about it in =
>> alt.internet.search-engines / alt.html (the whole thread is =
>> crossposted..).
>> MSOE(with Quotefix)/Pan/Opera/Forte Agent/Xnews all don't seem to ha=
ve =
>> that problem :P
> Hmmm, OK, I see what you mean. Maybe delsp is doing what it's suppose=
d =
> to do?
4.3. Usenet Signature Convention
There is a long-standing convention in Usenet news which also
commonly appears in Internet mail of using "-- " as the separator
line between the body and the signature of a message. When
generating a Format=3DFlowed message containing a Usenet-style
separator before the signature, the separator line is sent as-is.
This is a special case; an (optionally quoted or quoted and stuffed)=
line consisting of DASH DASH SP is neither fixed nor flowed.
Generating agents MUST NOT end a paragraph with such a signature
A receiving agent needs to test for a signature line both before the=
test for a quoted line (see Section 4.5) and also after logically
counting and deleting quote marks and stuffing (see Section 4.4) fro=
a quoted line.
Thunderbird fails to test for a signature line however.
-- =
Rik Wasmus
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