Posted by Richard Formby on 03/12/07 11:32
Toby A Inkster
[for & against inline styles]
> Adrienne Boswell wrote:
>> It depends on the circumstance. For example, say I have DT styled as
>> bold in the external sheet, but on one page on the site, I want it
>> italics instead - in that case, I would use put the style in the head on
>> that page only.
> Some might argue that a better approach would be to add a class to your
> BODY element such as:
> <BODY CLASS="special_definition_lists">
> ...
> </BODY>
> and then add your styling to the main style sheet. One page with special
> definition lists tends to lead to two such pages, or three, or...
> Personally, I'd consider both methods on a case-by-case method. Each has
> advantages and disadvantages.
I have a single, say, contact form in my entire web site. I want to apply a
certain style to that single form.
<form style="whatever"> works for me.
"Whatever" is never ever used anywhere else.
"Whatever" is in the form elements opening tag. If I want to change it I go
directly to the page containing the form and change it right there. I don't
have to scroll up to the top of the HTML document. I don't have to find it
in my 'global' style sheet. It's right there. In the only form in my entire
site that it applies to.
But, as you say, case by case.
I tend to think in C++ or C# terms. Is this variable [style property/value]
global to the entire application, local to this particular [C#] class, local
to a member function within that [C#] class or is it indeed local to a
specific block of code within that function.
Hint: the i in for (int i = ...) or in Javascript for (var i = ...)
should always be local.
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