Posted by Martin on 03/12/07 07:51
Thanks a really helpful reply, at least now I can start digging into it a
bit more.
Thanks again.
"J.O. Aho" <user@example.net> wrote in message
> Martin wrote:
>> Hi
>> Sorry about the following but I am lower than a newbie when it comes to
>> PHP,
>> I don't understand its full capabilities!
>> I am looking for a way to improve my website. I do not know if PHP is the
>> answer but.... I want to have one page that presents images and details
>> of
>> items for sale. Currently my site just presents lots of hyperlinks to
>> pages
>> each with one of my items on. Every page is basically the same with just
>> a
>> different product on it.
>> Am I right to think that PHP and MySQL will enable me to call different
>> or
>> several items to one "main" page?
> Much depends on how you want to have your site
> You could make a database (in MySQL) where you have a table that
> contains the information like
> item_id = auto increasing value that the database takes care for you
> item_name = a name for the item in question
> item_desc = description of the item you are selling
> item_image = path to the location of the image for the item
> item_price = the asked price
> item_quant = how many you may have of the item in question
> item_sold = if the item has been sold
> A such table should take care of most options.
> In the main page script you may select all items from the database that
> hasn't been sold and fetch the item_id and the item_name
> You link all to the second page, with just the difference that you give
> different id numbers
> <a href="http://www.example.net/show.php?id=<?PHP $item_id ?>"><?PHP
> $item_name ?></a>
> and in the second page you fetch all data belonging to the id sent to
> the page.
> It's quite simple thing to do, but nothing I'm not willing to do here,
> but you will get a few useful links, coding in PHP is quite similar to
> C/C++.
> PHP On-Line manual:
> http://se2.php.net/manual-lookup.php?lang=en&function=&x=8&y=8
> PHP Reserved variables.
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.php
> MySQL On-Line manual. http://www.mysql.com/search/?q=&x=6&y=8&doc=1&m=0
> Don't roget to read the user comments on the on-line manuals, they give
> you a lot of good information.
> --
> //Aho
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