Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/15/07 15:34
Sonnich wrote:
> On Mar 15, 3:32 pm, Floortje <l...@zingmaarmetmijmee.enel> wrote:
>> Sonnichschreef:> On Mar 15, 3:20 pm, Geoff Berrow <blthe...@ckdog.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> Message-ID: <1173963662.556376.252...@b75g2000hsg.googlegroups.com> fromSonnichcontained the following:
>>>>> something like error messages stored:
>>>>> <?
>>>>> $sError001="stupid user";
>>>>> $sError002="not available";
>>>>> ?>
>>>>> and then :
>>>>> include "errormsgs.php";
>>>>> echo $sError001;
>>>> Well yeah, that will work, so what is the question?
>>> The point it, that it does not work.
>> And his point is that it does work :-) You have another error somewhere
>> .. are you sure you have included the correct file?
> I found, that my problem is to include this into a class...
> include...
> class whatever
> {
> $somthing= $somthing_from_include_file.
> In other words, I want to export texts used in my class to a file...
> /S
It would help if you would post your entire code - not just little pieces.
For instance, your first statement was:
"I want to have a number of strings in another file, which I can include
everywhere... but I cannot make them reachable from the top file.".
Now you're saying:
"In other words, I want to export texts used in my class to a file..."
Two entirely different things.
And BTW - you should be using <?php instead of just <?. Most hosts
nowadays are running with short_tags_off.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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