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Re: Query inconsistency (MySQL vs PHP) -> DATE_FORMAT

Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/16/07 12:37

laverdir wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>> laverdir <> wrote:
>>> Steve wrote:
>>>> "laverdir" <> wrote:
>>>> | <SNIP hardy legible query>
>>>> surely $query doesn't look like this in your code. i assume it
>>>> looks like shit here b/c of the way your usenet client wrapped the
>>>> text...right. i'd be a fool to believe anyone would intentionally
>>>> create unmanageble inline sql statements. i mean, everyone knows
>>>> that some employers would pass over otherwise qualified applicants
>>>> otherwise. i'm sure the statement you have in real life looks
>>>> something like this:
>>>> <SNIP formatted query>
>>> it looked similar to this when the query was in
>>> designing proces, but then squizeed to one line
>>> for space saving..
>> Do you pay for spaces? I'd hardly think so. Having newlines & spaces:
>> - has close to no impact on PHP and/or MySQL's speed of interpretation.
>> - has zero impact on the bandwidth used to clients.
>> - is really a help when having to work on the code later.
>> If the spaces are the difference between fitting in the hosting plan
>> or not you're going to need more room in future anyway. Removing
>> this formatting from the code is only usefull when it's send to
>> clients, like javascript. (Or when you have a grudge against
>> fellow/future coders on the project, including yourself).
>> Moral of the story: keep nice formatting.
> screen space saving, to be precise.
> for me, it's faster to read algorithm
> workflow.
> why do you care anyway?
> are you some kind of coding martha stewart?
> quoting beginners guides to writing 'readable'
> code didn't help in this case.
> im writing code for 22 years and don't care
> how it's writen, i can read it equaly fast.

Rik brought up valid points. Your code formatting sucks.

As for why do I care? When you post this crappy junk in the forum, you
expect everyone else to decode it for you?

I personally don't care what you do with code only you will see. But in
my 40 years of programming, I've never been able to say "No one else
will see this code".

Your formatting is that of a lazy bum - and your attitude is even worse.
When I find someone like you on one of my projects he's gone before he
can hit "Enter".

You want help here? I suggest you change your attitude and start
formatting code so it's readable.

Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.



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