Posted by surfivor on 03/16/07 13:51
On Mar 16, 5:21 am, Czapi <c...@ask.me> wrote:
> Erwin Moller wrote:
> > You can even store the results of a query in the database if you want, and
> > just update that when needed (= when the underlying data changes).
> Yes, but memcache is a lot faster than any SQL engine. The only thing
> that could match the speed would be a memory storage engine as
> implemented in MySQL - for simple pkey indexing I think it still
> couldn't match memcache.
> So RDBS gives you much more flexibility and scalability but at the cost
> of complexity you might not need.
> However in this case I would go for MySQL + memory storage engine.
> --
> Cz.
Thanks, but I asked the question as a hypothetical to try to
understand how memcached works. At this point, I am not sure all the
possible scenarios we may use it in, but I have seen many examples on
the web where it caches SQL query results.
It's my impression that the examples of memcached where the cache is
set to expire in 10 seconds will work if there is an update somewhere
else, say that part of what you are saving is data and the data is
upated someplace else where a new record is added to the database. A
page that is rendered within the 10 seconds may not show the new data,
but it's ok because after 11 seconds, any rendering will reflect the
new data. However, It occured to me that if a record was deleted and
then a page was rendered 5 seconds later that showed the old record.
If it was say on a blog and someone tried to update a comment based on
the old record, there will be a problem because now it is gone. This
seems to imply in some cases you can let the old pages expire, in
others you may have to expire them yourself which is more complex.
Ideally you might like to find as many cases that favor the other
Memcached seems like the best general solution to caching that I have
come across in that it is very low level. In some cases it may be
overkill and be slightly slower for moderate caching than other
approaches, but it is probably more extendable to the case where you
experience a moderate amount of traffic initially which then grows
into greatly increased traffic. You may have to monitor traffic
patterns and make changes, but your general caching archetecture may
not change. Some other caching schemes seem high level, but if there
is a bug or you create a problem by customizing the open source code
of some product or using various plugins with Wordpress, you could
break some of the other caching schemes such as the caching plugin
that wordpress has.
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