Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/18/07 19:49
Mitesh wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>> Mitesh wrote:
>>> How can I programattically retrieve MySQL server's port value through
>>> PHP?
>> Did you try
>> ini_get('mysql.default_port');
>> (or, if you have mysqli installed...)
>> ini_get('mysqli.default_port');
> Thanx Jerry for the reply:
> This returns the default port value. But when the MySQL server is
> installed the app that runs after the installation lets the user
> configure the MySQL port. Now I need to access this port value through
> the PHP. My PHP script only works for the port value that is pre-
> defined. So when the user again does configuration and changes the
> port value, my PHP script (which calls my sql functions) no longer
> works.
> I think I have no alternative than to open the MySQL ini file through
> PHP and search for the "port" text and retrieve it's value.
If you change the port in the MySQL configuration, you should also
change it in your php configuration. That's what they're there for.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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