Posted by Richard Cornford on 06/30/05 21:00
G wrote:
> Hi guys, thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
> I'm trying to get my html pages to refresh automatically
> when re-visited in IE (various versions).
Why only IE?
What you seem to mean is that you want visitors to the site to be served
fresh copies form the server on subsequent visits. This is best done by
serving appropriate HTTP headers with the pages, to encourage specific
caching behaviour and/or realistically stating when you expect the
current version to expire.
> I used this command
HTML doesn't do commands.
> in the <HEAD> : <meta http-equiv="refresh"/>
If complete (and in a valid HTML form) a meta-refresh element would not
do what you describe (even when allowed to do anything). A (dynamically
generated) meta-expires element would be closer, but still considerably
less reliable than the equivalent HTTP header (and would be superfluous
if that header existed).
> but it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing
> something wrong, or is there any other way to do this?
> Incidentally, when I hit F5 to refresh - I always get
> sent back to Index.html . What's that about?
Without code to examine explanations of behaviour are pure speculation.
My wild guess is that you are refreshing a frameset where the SRC of a
frame is Index.html, and pressing F5 refreshes the frameset, re-loading
its original content. The truth may be any one of another 50 plausible
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