Posted by Jochem Maas on 10/08/21 11:07
Winn Johnston wrote:
> i have taken on a job replacing an old AS400 RPM
> database with four thin clients. They really like the
> feel of the thin client interface, no point and click,
> no graphics, just green text on a black background. I
> could use any suggestions on what to read, or where to
> look to find a way to create a similar feel on the new
> interface. I am leaning heavily to php, since it would
> make the Internet port easier.
the look & feel of the client can't be controlled by
PHP directly unless you're looking a php-gtk.
output basic/clean HTML with a few well placed
class attributes. set backgrounds to black
and text to green... (in a stylesheet?) -
(I'm not suggesting mimicking
a B/G console is easy but I think you can approxiate
quite well with out too much effort).
which leave the 'feel':
<label for="ListMenu" accesskey="l"><u>L</u>ist</label>
<select name="ListMenu" id="ListMenu" onkeypress="keyPressGetURL(this, event)">
<option label="..." value="0">...</option>
use of labels in conjunction with accesskey attributes
and possibly javascript (e.g. to trap keypress events)
would possibly help here, hitting ALT+L on a page containing
the preceeding example would cause focus to jump to
the select dropdown. (keyPressGetURL() submits the form if
ENTER is pressed while the select has focus)
additionally accesskey attribs on button-type form inputs
will cause the onclick event to fire when the shortcut is used:
<input type="button" class="IconButton"
id="MyDetailsButton" accesskey="m"
onclick="getURL('userdetails.php')" value="My Details" />
this may not work the same in all browsers.
> Thank You very much for your replies.
> Winn Johnston
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