Posted by MS on 03/25/07 15:10
I am trying to populate my database using fgetcsv();
There are about 20-30 CSV files all in the same format. and all run
separately using the same function.
If I fgetcsv() one file i can view the contents on my site fine.
but after fgetcsv() a few files (maybe around 30,000 records) the fgetcsv()
finishes ok. but when i view on my website i get ...
Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your
Error message:
Premature end of script headers: shopping.php
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
If i then empty the table and start again with the CSV file that seemed to
cause this Server Error all works fine.
My question is what typically causes the Server Error message to be
generated. It doesn't seem to be the content of the table. and the
"shopping.php" script works upto about 30,000 records.
MySQL 4.1.11
Debian GNU/Linux
PHP Version 4.4.0
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