Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 03/26/07 11:27
shimmyshack wrote:
> On 26 Mar, 03:29, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> shimmyshack wrote:
>>> On 26 Mar, 02:33, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> shimmyshack wrote:
>>>>> On 25 Mar, 23:37, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>>>> shimmyshack wrote:
>>>>>>> On 25 Mar, 21:37, Mary Pegg <inva...@invalid.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> shimmyshack wrote:
>>>>>>>>> if (isset($c['s']['a5'])) echo htmlentities($c['s']['a1'])."<br>";
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>> if (isset($c['s']['a5'])) echo htmlentities($c['s']['a5'])."<br>";
>>>>>>>>> that's alot of work for sake of sticking with what _you_ find more
>>>>>>>>> readable
>>>>>>>> So what you're really arguing in favour of is wrapping it up in a
>>>>>>>> function, which is what I've done. But the question is whether it's
>>>>>>>> worth creating a for loop to run through a1 to a5 rather than simply
>>>>>>>> calling each by name.
>>>>>>>>> all the chages above and more are so simple with Rani's method. If you
>>>>>>>> No, they're simple if it's wrapped up in a function. Whether or not
>>>>>>>> a1 to a5 get generated by a for loop I've still got b, c, d, e, f (etc)
>>>>>>>> to deal with. NB I'm using these as symbols - in reality they are the
>>>>>>>> field names from a database, so no getting smart and suggesting that I
>>>>>>>> can generate b to f automagically. OTOH I could stick the field names
>>>>>>>> in an array and step through the array. This might be worth doing.
>>>>>>>>> can't take good advice don't ask for it.
>>>>>>>> I know this is Usenet but you don't *have* to be rude and abrasive.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> "Checking identity papers is a complete waste of time. If anyone can
>>>>>>>> be counted on to have valid papers, it will be the terrorists".
>>>>>>> it's not rude or abrasive, to notice you don't take advice and say so,
>>>>>>> perhaps a little bruusque though, and I apologise if I made you cross.
>>>>>>> FYI, I work with annoyingly complex database tables whose structure
>>>>>>> changes as my client changes their requirements, to stop this kind of
>>>>>>> hard coded approach which started to cost me too much time, I use
>>>>>>> DESCRIBE `tablename`, and SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `tablename` which can
>>>>>>> then be used to get the comments, fieldnames etc... then using a reg
>>>>>>> exp on bool enum varchar() int() and so on to get metadata about the
>>>>>>> table which is then pumped into the application.
>>>>>>> In this way you can use general methods to print and parse data
>>>>>>> without ever having to hard code the fieldnames, you can use it to
>>>>>>> dynamically generate forms etc...
>>>>>>> Instead of repeatedly writing code to format output from the DB, you
>>>>>>> just need a vlid link, and some form of instructions what your db
>>>>>>> connection is to "get" and "output" and finally the output format -
>>>>>>> preventing too much or too little from being drawn from the DB. You
>>>>>>> only have to code this once, and after than it can be used everywhere
>>>>>>> you need output. It might seem a little extreme to folks, I don't
>>>>>>> know, but I find this approach saves time. The class which serves html
>>>>>>> markup can end up being very complex but you can control things with a
>>>>>>> couple of calls and an array.
>>>>>> PMJI, but then you aren't much of a programmer.
>>>>>> I've been doing SQL Database work for over 20 years now. I'll bet some
>>>>>> of the databases I've designed would make yours look puny - over 100
>>>>>> tables, over 1,500 columns, for instance. And mostly 3rd normal form.
>>>>>> And yes, these databases do change as customer requirements change. But
>>>>>> I deal with them.
>>>>>> Your problem is that the user actually *cares* about the contents of the
>>>>>> database. They don't. What they do care about is the *data* -
>>>>>> including the relationships. Whether data is contained in one table or
>>>>>> ten is not important.
>>>>>> You can give all the excuses you want for not taking good advice. But
>>>>>> the bottom line is - you haven't given any excuses we haven't heard
>>>>>> hundreds of times. And you aren't explaining a situation most of us
>>>>>> haven't run into multiple times. And we deal with it properly.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ==================
>>>>>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>>>> Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>>>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>>>>>> ==================
>>>>> I'm not sure what to make of that Jerry, but I wonder if my point was
>>>>> clear enough. The idea is to write php classes which auto discover DB
>>>>> structure, as does say phpmyadmin. The idea is to let the DB structure
>>>>> be _independent_ of the php code, responding to changes within the DB
>>>>> such as character encoding, field types, number of columns etc... so
>>>>> that little or no hard coding and adjusting of the logic is needed,
>>>>> just an adjustment - if any - to the "display" if one can call it that
>>>>> - to config that prescribes the way the code interacts with the DB
>>>>> tables.
>>>>> I don't then mind how often changes are made to the DB structure,
>>>>> which as you say always changes as the project grows and the
>>>>> relationships become clearer, nor do I mind how often the tables are
>>>>> split (pi$$ing contest avoided), provided a there exists a
>>>>> data<~>query map.
>>>>> ALways with programming it's bread and butter, reinventing the wheel
>>>>> for each new app (even with OO)
>>>>> forming the query, running it, getting the data, persisting it,
>>>>> parsing, filtering, displaying and so on...
>>>>> I wanted something a bit more like a fluent interface, more readable
>>>>> and "semantic", in that it moves things on from having to write step
>>>>> by step, and makes things a bit more fluid. I would be nice to get
>>>>> eventually to a form where anyone could write in words what they
>>>>> required; perhaps when chicken foot's reg exp parser comes up with
>>>>> this ;)
>>>>> I personally hate to see the type of hard coded stuff that gets banged
>>>>> out, but it exists in the real world - of course.
>>>> You just don't get it, do you. The DB Structure is not important to the
>>>> client. The DB CONTENTS ARE!
>>>> For instance - in the case of an order entry system. Does the user want :
>>>> order_number product_number quantity
>>>> Or do they want:
>>>> Customer name
>>>> Order_number product_name quantity Price Total_Price
>>>> PhPMyAdmin is for administering a MySQL database. The user isn't
>>>> interested in the administration of the database. He/she is interested
>>>> in the contents. And not just one table, like above. Rather, he's
>>>> interested in the joining of at least three tables - maybe more.
>>>> Sure, I rewrite code each time I start a new project with a new
>>>> database. That's because every database is unique and has unique
>>>> requirements.
>>>> What you think would be nice really isn't realistic, other than for
>>>> simple database admin like PhPMyAdmin.
>>>> Programming is all about reinventing the wheel. For instance, almost
>>>> every PHP statement has been written at least once. Sure, the variable
>>>> names change, but that's about it. But it's how you put the statements
>>>> together that counts.
>>>> Same with databases. It's not about the access. And it's not about
>>>> database design.
>>>> It's about how things fit together to provide data in a format a person
>>>> can use.
>>>> --
>>>> ==================
>>>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>> Jerry Stuckle
>>>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>>>> ==================
>>> I think you have missed the point again Jerry; although I would say
>>> that database design and access can be very important for large
>>> projects for optimisation. I am only building on this exact point:
>> Nope, I didn't miss the point at all. The same is true if you only have
>> a dozen columns across two tables.
>>>> It's about how things fit together to provide data in a format a person can use.
>>> the rest is just a given. You are cross at someone but it isn't me.
>> Who say's I'm cross? I am getting tired of people claiming to be
>> programmers who keep coming up with this garbage.
>>> It can only be reiterated: although coding is about reinventing the
>>> wheel, this is pointless, and will change into the future, becoming
>>> more high level and looking and feeling less like C.
>>> Finally resulting in code that looks like a sentence, and compiles to
>>> be equivalent to today's stuff. Until the compilers get cleverer, the
>>> wheel reinvention problem can be solved using clever code.
>> I've been hearing that "will change in the future" for the 40 years I've
>> been programming. Hasn't happened yet, and isn't going to happen in the
>> near future. Only the languages, architectures and tools change. But
>> we're still writing code must like we did 40 years ago.
>> And COBOL was the try to get code that "looks like a sentence". That
>> was around even when I was programming in the late 60's. Nothing new.
>>> Your point
>>>> The DB Structure is not important to the client. The DB CONTENTS ARE!
>>> can be widened, the client doesn't care about anything except
>>> functionality on time to budget.
>>> true but that implies fast writing of code, with less skills required
>>> to write it and greater ease of maintainability. One of SQLs great
>>> pluses is that it's not that hard to learn and it can read like a
>>> sentence at the basic level.
>>> The same can and will be true of a scripting lang like php.
>>> The upshot is writing code independent of DB structure, independent of
>>> markup requirements, which takes a config file, rather like Ant builds
>>> an application, means less stress for you - the over worked wheel
>>> reinventor, and less stress for the client, who likes rapid app dev.
>> No, that means writing code efficiently. And generally it takes MORE
>> skills. Less skill means the code will not be as "clean" and will take
>> longer to write. The result is virtually always a higher cost to the
>> client.
>> You really don't understand a lot about programming in the real world.
>> That's very obvious.
>>> I dunno where we are arguing, unless your 20+yrs has blinded you to
>>> the possibility of a world where Joe Bloggs back office boy can
>>> program because Joe Blogg's dad the guru made a compiler that
>>> understood english.
>> Try 40 years of programming. And sure, Joe Blogg can throw together
>> code. I get big bucks straightening it out when he completely screws
>> things up.
>>> What got my goat was that printing statements out in googlicate was
>>> just the kind of thing that causes problems into the future, while it
>>> might compile to something similar to a judiciously chosen while loop,
>>> it just feels rather intellectually lazy, no offence intended.
>> Or completely ignorant. Take your pick.
>>> In the same way people argued against calculators I guess you can
>>> still disagree. Calculators let anyone leapfrog the grunt work, and
>>> start with the interesting Maths. The metphor is writing code once
>>> that then let's the programmer get on with writing the app, rather
>>> than reinventing the wheel and grinding out lines of the same old
>>> code. Not everyone loves the destination as much as they do the
>>> journey. oo deep
>> Sure. And a roller will make painting must faster. So why didn't
>> Rembrandt use a roller?
>> Programming is grunt work. Good programming is creative.
>> Try a few years in a real programming job. Find out what it's really
>> like. Right now you talk like a teenager who has read a PHP book and
>> scanned a SQL book. But never done any real-world programming. Some
>> hobby, maybe. But that's it.
>> --
>> ==================
>> Remove the "x" from my email address
>> Jerry Stuckle
>> JDS Computer Training Corp.
>> jstuck...@attglobal.net
>> ==================
> I just missed out on the delights of Pascal, and didn't dip my toe
> (which weighs as much as a duck) into the programming pool 'til 2002,
> I guess that confirms your opinion of me. I think Newton would have
> loved a calculator. Babbage wrote an essay on faulty log tables - many
> wasted months were had by all those brilliant astonomers (and their
> wives and servants) - those wrong predictions set back science on the
> back of scoffers. It's tools fit for the job, Rembramdt
> notwithstanding. Architecture has brought us from the wattle&daub of
> punch cards to the body-heated house. What we (I hasten to apologise
> for lumping you in with me) do day to day is extremely simple, and
> appropriate tools are around now, I mentioned one which I love,
> Chickenfoot+Solvent+PiggyBank, which allows my (technophobic) clients
> to mash up websites they use and fix the results in databases I
> provide them,their coding being pidgeon english, which a hard core
> javascript programmer would spend a long time coding,
> document.getElementById this that and the other, grabbing postback,
> blah, standing on the shoulders of historical giants to acheive what
> no amount of COBOL could ever do, without making mad those who
> struggled with it, although I guess you had to be there.
Please don't understand - I don't think negatively of your abilities,
but I do think you're a bit naive.
Calculators for building log tables are one thing. But that's not
nearly the same as a generic program for displaying information from a
SQL database. And neither is anywhere close to English language
statements to describe programs.
And sure, the tools are very easy to use. So is a paint brush. So does
that mean everyone can be a master painter?
And yes, I've seen sites which are being updated by clients. It's not
hard at all to determine if a professional or a wanna-be has been doing
the updating, even with just the HTML/javascript.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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