Posted by Erwin Moller on 03/27/07 11:51
Ciuin wrote:
> On Mar 27, 11:55 am, "Ciuin" <c...@gmx.de> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I need to mail() emails with user input that does contain non-ascii
>> (umlauts, accents) and non-latin (cyrillic) characters in the
>> "Subject:" and "From:" headers. I understand that they are typically
>> encoded in UTF8 like this:
>> =?UTF-8?B?w5Z0emkg0J/RgNC40LLQtdGC?=
>> but I cannot find a PHP function to encode the input string in this
>> way. utf8_encode gives me garbled char soup, so what do you use?
>> Thanks.
> Ah well, bad thinking on my part.
Was it?
Not really.
Encoding/charsets/headers/content-type/UTF/unicode/etc ALWAYS gives me a
headache. :-/
Confusing stuff, especially when you have to consider a whole range of
receiving clients (different browsers, emailclients, etc).
Erwin Moller
> Instead of utf8_encode I need base64_encode, of course (as the "...?
> B?..." in the code tells me). So this:
> $from = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($_POST['name']) . "?= <" . $
> $_POST['email'] . ">\n";
> produces a correctly encoded header. Same for subject.
> Hope it helps someone.
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