Posted by Tom on 03/27/07 17:18
On 20 Mar 2007 03:20:58 GMT, John Oliver wrote...
>Fedora Core 2 server with httpd-2.0.54-10.2 php-4.3.10-2.4
>php-mysql-4.3.10-2.4 It had MySQL 3.23.58.something on it, but the PHP
>websites were using a 4.something MySQL on another machine. I updated
>the MySQL on this machine to mysql-4.1.20-1.FC4.1 and now no PHP sites
>come up. But is right where it's always been:
>[root@web1 abtech]# ls -l /usr/lib/php4/
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 44364 Dec 21 2004 /usr/lib/php4/
>And the extension line has been commented out of /etc/php.ini and Apache
>How do I make PHP work again?
Are you able to run a simple "php_info()" to confirm if it's a PHP problem?
Sometimes if you have a big update on other software (e.g. MySQL v3.* to v4.*)
there may be an issue with that upgrade preventing PHP from working right.
If you had compiled your PHP with v3, you may need to redo your PHP installation
with v4.
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