Posted by Steve Poe on 03/30/07 03:29
> > sure, you can script on the client using what is called active
> > scripting.
> > its nice and familiar, so you would either
> > 1) have your script one once per day and upload any images not already
> > uploaded from a set of folders
> > 2) configure explorer so you can right click and select upload image,
> > your php script would be run in the bvackground with argument such as
> > c:\path\to\php -r "%1"
> > and it would do the rest.
> > Why not use FTP if you are scripting this, as it will be nice and
> > robust and can interact is a predicatable way with your fileserver -
> > providing it can have an ftp serve running on it, like filezilla
> > server.
> oops I should have added, that if you have a few computers you need to
> install this on you could use NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install
> System)http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_Pageto wrap up everything
> including the script that makes the right click functionality between
> tiffs and the php script, and distribute that.
Thanks for your help (and the link). I am not familar with
FTP through PHP. It's mainly PHP with HTML forms. The PHP app runs on
Linux box (hopefully this does not matter) and I believe it also has
ftp access. At this point, there will only be one computer that the
PHP application will need to automatically load
the TIF image. The file will be saved in a directory called xrays off
of the C:\
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