Posted by bill on 03/30/07 11:38
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> bill wrote:
>> The problem may come in using a renumber function which should
>> take the steps in their current order and reassign the "order"
>> key, assigning each set an "order" that is the prior "order" + 10.
> Something like:
> <?php
> $db = new PDO(/* connection settings */);
> $db->query("ALTER TABLE foobar ADD tempcol integer;");
> $update = $db->prepare("UPDATE foobar SET tempcol=? WHERE order=?;");
> $count = 0;
> foreach ($db->query("SELECT order FROM foobar ORDER BY order;") as $row)
> {
> $count+=10;
> $update->execute($count, $row['order']);
> }
> $db->query("UPDATE foobar SET order=tempcol;");
> $db->query("ALTER TABLE foobar DROP tempcol;");
> unset($count, $update);
> ?>
Lovely idea. For my small number a PHP array probably works
better, but I do like this approach and will archive it.
One additional question: does the foreach loop terminate because
the query return false ?
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