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Re: Choosing a host based on their PHP "security" measures

Posted by Andy Hassall on 04/01/07 15:51

On Sun, 1 Apr 2007 13:24:33 +0200 (CEST), hansBKK
<> wrote:

>More importantly, I've been told that mod_rewrite REQUIRES php running
>as a module, so on a host running CGI, I CANNOT get permalinks, pretty
>URLs, etc. Is this true?

I don't think so; many of the mod_rewrite examples explicitly use a CGI script
as the target.

However, something almost opposite may be true - with PHP as CGI you _require_
mod_rewrite to get pretty URLs. In module mode there are ways to implement it
without mod_rewrite, using AcceptPathInfo and possibly content negotiation. I
don't think AcceptPathInfo works correctly with CGI.

So if mod_rewrite is available, then either mode is fine.

>If so, then I definitely want a host running php as a module, even with
>the insecurity of 777/666 permissions.
>I should also ask the potential hosting services about my ability to put
>php configuration directives in custom .htaccess files (and not custom
>php.ini files, correct?)


>If this is the case, I assuem it becomes relevant to PHP what the
>server's AllowOverride is set to?

Yes, I believe you need at least AllowOverride Options.

>I also understand that I should avoid choosing a host running php in
>safe mode.

Note that there are "degrees" of safe mode, in that once safe mode is on,
functions can then be selectively restricted - a safe mode host with many
restrictions enabled could be awkward to work on, depending on what features
you actually need.

Andy Hassall :: :: :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool



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