Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/02/07 14:31
Bob Bedford wrote:
>> You're looking at a many-to-many relationship here - you have more than
>> one user, and more than one checkbox.
> Absolutely not...You message tell me I didn't explain very well, that's my
> fault sorry.
> I've a page where a user can choose what it does like (it's interest
> points).
> For example:
> soccer,
> football,
> baseball,
> tennis,
> rugby,
> swimming....
> So the user may choose none or many things he is interested in and I've to
> store in his profile.
> I don't know how to manage this. Every item has its own number but I don't
> know how to save in a mysql field (wich kind of field must I use) and also
> how to save from the form where the items are shown to the DB (the query).
> Also how to retrive those items back when the user want to edit his profile.
> Thanks for help
Yes, you have more than one user, and more than one selection. This is
a many-to-many relationship (many users, many selections). My comments
are correct.
Do some searches on "database normalization".
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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