Posted by strawberry on 04/17/07 14:36
On Apr 17, 2:16 pm, "Steve" <no....@example.com> wrote:
> "Sean" <sean.anderson@[nospam]oakleafgroup.biz> wrote in message
> news:1176812575.894766@kestrel.skynet.co.uk...
> | >>Wrong? ... How?
> |
> | > Try it yourself and you'll find out.
> |
> | An HTML table to represent a sheet of Avery Labels (with PHP) could be
> done
> | in your sleep ... assuming that you have a "basic" knowledge of HTML and
> | PHP.
> |
> | >>> Use PDF
> |
> | Even with a PDF format you've still got to create some sort of table or
> | something in columns to match the layout.
> |
> | >>PDF is an alternative to HTML, I would agree ... and would even concede
> | >>that
> | >>it's a better alternative, IF the guy can find (or be given) the
> | >>appropriate
> | >>code examples to complete the task, but HTML wouldn't be "wrong",
> | >>particularly if he's new to the coding that it would take to complete
> the
> | >>job.
> |
> | > HTML is not an alternative - it's a crap suggestion by somebody who
> | > doesn't know what they're talking about.
> |
> | There's nothing like being constructive ... and that's nothing like
> | constructive.
> this world is becoming more and more crowded with whining babies! forget the
> packaging of the suggestion and take it for what it's worth. PDF is
> FORMALIZED, HTML is completely UNDEVELOPED when it comes to PRINTING. you
> are 90% certain to have printed what you expect to have printed using
> pdf...html is a crap-shoot. grow up and quit being defensive. his suggestion
> is SPOT-ON.
> and sean...i'm sure the guys at alt.php.sql just fucking L O V E to have
> posts thrown their way that have absoFuckingLutely nothing to do with their
> context!
have a look at FPDF (www.fpdf.org). They have scripts over there for
creating labels, and it's pretty easy to add your own once you figure
it out a bit.
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