Posted by andre rodier on 04/18/07 10:39
Hello all,
I manage a debian linux server, with the well known couple apache/php.
I use libgd to make some graphics. I found this library very limited in
comparison of what is possible with a modern graphic library.
I can use ImageMagick, but many forum users says that is not secure.
Is this true ?
Is ImageMagick is faster for image rotation than GD ?
Anybody knows other graphics libraries, well integrated with PHP, with
theses features :
- Fast for simple transformations lossless rotations, cropping, etc,
- Secure, avoid buffers overflow, etc...
- Simple, JPEG format recognition is sufficient. JPEG2000 is a more.
- Integrate simples photos functions : contrast, white balance,
brightness, color balance, denoizing, etc...
Thanks to all.
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