Posted by Steve Horrillo on 11/13/96 11:20
On 3-Jul-2005, "rf" <@invalid.com> wrote:
> Now, exactly how did you manage to reply to all of the multiposted groups
> with a very long, and identical, message. Did you copy/paste it to each of
> the four groups or does "your" newsreader *answer* to multiple groups as
> well?
Newsrover allows you to reply to the interest group you set up. It's
effortless. I can also choose how many groups to crosspost or mutipost to if
I choose. I just stay within the parameters my isp has set. If I multipost
or crosspost across a huge number of groups they could and should shut me
down. Anything beyond the isp's rules is just Usenet commando rants.
Warmest regards,
Steve Horrillo, Realtor / C.Ht.
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