Posted by FFMG on 04/23/07 06:05
I would like to add international support for my site to allow some of
my users to translate the site if they really feel the urge to do it.
I don't use any CMS, the site was developed, (and refined :)), by me.
But I see that various CMSs handle languages very differently.
Joomla! for example has a smallish define file that has all the
Wordress on the other hand seems to have a function __(...) that is
altogether a lot more complicated but also more flexible.
But I am not sure that the Joomela! approach is the best, defining what
could become a rather big language file seems a bit silly to me, (well
in my case it seems to be). And there does not seem to be any naming
convention of all those defines, that could spell<sic> trouble.
So, what is the best way, so far, of handling languages?
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