Posted by R. Vince on 04/26/07 15:26
I have witnessed in the past 5-10 year, the parabolic rise of expectations.
The tools to do work allow us to do more, faster and better -- but this
still does not keep pace with expectations.
Not to fear, however. Despite people chronically-malcontented attitudes,
organizations are still outsouring their programming work to people outside
their organizations who can do it. The effect of so-called "Third world"
programmers has been, by-and-large, absorbed into the supply-demand equation
in recent years.
Now, couple all of this with the plethora of character-based, thin-client
applications running out there (in the states anyways -- POS systems, etc.)
and, having been at this for a number of years myself (27, and hence able to
concur with you on the growing outrageous expectations among software buyers
out there) I have to believe that this pent-up demand, and worldwide
shortage of people willing to meet the expectations at the expected price,
is going to drive software-for-hire work through the roof in the coming few
Buyers, accustomed to GUI's with sizzle, and the availability in recent
years of so much seemingly free stuff through the net, don;t have too many
places to go to get done what they NEED to be getting done in the coming
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