Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 04/29/07 15:23
On Sat, 28 Apr 2007 02:22:39 -0700, Parker wrote:
Excerpt of Job Ad:
> Vacancy : 1 programmer (m/f)
> Skills : php & joomla!
> Level : Expert status within 3 months
> Workload: 10 hrs/week
> Location: work from home (provide own coke & pizza)
> Salary : none
> Benefits: you get to put up your website & an email inbox for free
> Conditions: No porn allowed
> Insurance: forget it.
Yep Mr. Parker, truly a dreamjob.
Since you're paying peanuts (or not even that, maybe just the husks),
expect only monkeys with cataract to respond.
This was a joke I assume? If not, get a health & reality check asap.
If you get someone decent for under, say, $500 a week, you're the man.
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