Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 05/05/07 15:48
On Sat, 05 May 2007 12:45:56 +0200, Sir Galahad wrote:
> Hi guys!!
> Surfing thw web looking for a PHP IDE, I've found those 7 IDEs:
> 0) PHP IDE Project
> 1) PHPEclipse
> 2) ActiveState's Komodo
> 3) PHP Designer
> 4) NuSphere's PhpED
> 5) PHPEdit
> 6) Zend Studio
> Now.. before trying any of them, I would like to know if anyone here is
> already coding with an IDE support and if so, what of them? Are there
> other IDEs? What are "the best"? What are "pros" and "cons"??
> Thanks a lot for precious suggestions!!
> Sir Galahad
If you use it non-commercially, PHPedit offers a free personal license. Or
at least they dit , I have one, but since I moved to Linux I haven't used
it for a while. My experiences with PHPEdit are good. I tried Zend, didn't
like it personally. Had a bit of trouble getting Eclipse to work the way I
wanted, and switched to Quanta++. Hasn't got a debugger, so I set up a
local copy of my hosts AMP setup.
My 2cts.
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