Posted by Neredbojias on 05/11/07 17:06
On Fri, 11 May 2007 14:57:23 GMT El Kabong scribed:
> There is a lovely site offering arguments regarding use of scripts to
> detect which browser a visitor is using:
> http://www.quirksmode.org/js/support.html.
> While reading the author's essay, it occurred to me that there was
> actually a broader subject involved: Why should, or shouldn't, we
> design for the lowest browser capability? Now please keep in mind that
> I do _not_ have a solidly opinion formed regarding this yet but I
> would like to have one, a valid one, if possible.
> One point I've considered leads me away from the idea of designing for
> the older or more obscure browser versions, since newer popular
> browsers are free for the downloading. Therefore, the question
> becomes, "is the added time and effort (translate to "expense") to
> develop universally compatible pages justified?"
> This may seem a moot discussion and perhaps I'm merely looking for
> justification for a lazy man's way out, but I'm very interested in
> your opinions about this.
This has been discussed ad infinitum so perhaps you could edify yourself
more satisfactorily by Googling for past usenet fare on the subject.
He who laughs last sounds like an idiot.
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