Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 05/14/07 11:38
At Sun, 13 May 2007 22:36:13 -0700, HoldMyCorona let his monkeys type:
> I need some help in finsihing off a web site and a registration.. Can
> someone assist me onthis. I like to work with someone I can trust and
> that has a great work ethics..Please let me know If you are interested
> in it in working with a great project.
> FYI if you are just going to slam the post, then get a life and grow
> up or get away from the computer and do something productive..
> email me direct please
That's the second time you pop the question. The second time you
seem to be out to insult people on the way, and the second time
you ought to be expecting the obvious answers.
This time you don't offer warez though, you just want it for free or cheap.
Quite an improvement. I don't know people conforming to your concept of
trust and ethics.
Too bad plonking you doesn't mean I don't see the replies to your garbage.
Must have a look at article scoring in more detail.
Go get a life? Perhaps it's time you got one, you f***ing freeloader.
I'll hold your Corona alright and have a wee in it while you're doing
whatever it is you do.
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