Posted by gosha bine on 05/17/07 19:57
dpinion@gmail.com wrote:
> On May 17, 3:17 pm, Schraalhans Keukenmeester <inva...@invalid.spam>
> wrote:
>> As said, I'm not sure \ isn't allowed on Windows. You may wanna check the
>> php manual for that. But since you get no errors it seems fine.
>> If you upload it to a non-windows server you'd always have to use \ afaik.
>> But, not getting any errors at all with above additions? Hmm, that might
>> indicate the files are properly required/included after all.
>> Can you show a relevant snippet of your working code?
>> If you echo a string following the require, does that display properly?
>> Sh
> I tried the echo (you will see it in the code below) but it did not
> display on the screen. I am really new to PHP, so there is a good
> possibility I am doing something wrong...
> [skip]
> I will check the docs to see if windows will support both slashes
Forward slash ( / ) works perfectly on WIndows systems and it is the one
you must use in your 'include' and 'require' statements.
If you're just starting with php, I'd suggest you get one of
pre-packaged windows installations (e.g.
http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html) and let it setup everything
for you.
gosha bine
extended php parser ~ http://code.google.com/p/pihipi
blok ~ http://www.tagarga.com/blok
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