Posted by DA Morgan on 05/20/07 17:05
Shane wrote:
> Shane wrote:
>> I am now _seriously_ confused
> The trigger fires *after* an insert has taken place, therefore in the
> second case the trigger rollsback because the country does now indeed exist
> in the subquery
> Any ideas?
That is one of the major problems with a product that only has AFTER
triggers. In those products that have both BEFORE and AFTER triggers,
AFTER triggers are used for auditing and BEFORE triggers used for
security and integrity. Essentially you are trying to do the right
thing, in the wrong way, in a product that truly doesn't support it.
Turn what you are doing into a multiuser environment with hundreds
or thousands of simultaneous users and it is a nightmare. Perhaps a
good learning experience ... but a nightmare.
Daniel A. Morgan
University of Washington
(replace x with u to respond)
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