Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/22/07 17:19
damezumari wrote:
> Thanks for all the replies!
> As far as I can gather from the replies and my new testing:
> This does not trim the post variables:
> foreach($_POST as $varname => $value) {$varname = trim($value);} does
> not trim the post variables.
> but this does:
> foreach($_POST as $varname => $value) {$_POST[$varname] =
> trim($value);}
> However, this trimming has no effect on the variables you get from:
> import_request_variables('gp', 'p_');
> So, the question remains, if I want to use global variables how do I
> trim them? I can of course do it by hand one at a time, but is there
> no other way?
Why do you need import_request_variables(), anyway? Everything is in
the superglobals $_GET, $_POST or $_COOKIE.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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