Posted by tuergeist@googlemail.com on 05/24/07 08:24
On 21 Mai, 14:26, Willem Bogaerts
<w.bogae...@kratz.maardanzonderditstuk.nl> wrote:
> > I searched for best practises for php apps, especially if you're using
> > phpunit as testframework.
> > I found nothing interesting, so I ask you, what do you think is a best
> > practise on directory hierarchy.
> I usually have some kind of administrator directory with a password on
> it. My unit tests can be run from there. Off course, the tests
> themselves are outside of the web root, as they do not contain any file
> that should be called directly. There is one exception (which can be
> found in subdirectories of admin): I sometimes add documentation to my
> tests in the form of an UML scheme.
> For a demo, seehttp://www.w-p.dds.nl/storyboard/admin/rununittests.php
Thank you. It seems that nobody else tests its software.
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