Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/01/07 06:56
At Fri, 01 Jun 2007 04:20:18 +0000, Cris let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> OK, I do this call on a linux system:
> if(!file_exists("../pages/".$_POST['ParentName']."/"))
> {
> $dirname = "/home/u2/sss/sss/html/pages/".$_POST['ParentName']."";
> mkdir($dirname, $mode);
> }
> and get this:
> Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/u2/mypage.php
> on line 19
> When it clearly doesn't exist! I looked!
What does $_POST['Parentname'] contain ? Echo it's value to check.
The warning would make sense if it's empty. And get rid of the '/' in the
file_exists line. At best it doesn't make a difference.
Why use a relative path first, followed by an absolute path?
mkdir doesn't suck, really. It creates a directory or returns false and
throws a warning if that process fails.
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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